Saturday, November 6, 2010

Storybook ♥

After many many meetings, so many discussions, sketches, bits of paper flying everywhere, and lame jokes about tortoises being creepy, we finally did it!

I must say, I've never felt prouder to see a final product of a project. Perhaps cos we spent so much time and effort and love on this :) Awesome team mates, grateful to have you guys - Charmaine, Melody, Jesmine & Melvin!

I've enjoyed 2208 very much, it's probably the best module I've taken in NUS THUS FAR. Beats everything else by a long shot. Will update this blog more in future, I hope; maybe this will become my online portfolio! :D For the short run however, do tune in for uploads of the assignments that I've done complete rehauls on :D

In the meantime, do take a look at our baby!

Alot of hard work into planning, storyline drafting, sketches, deciding on color palette, illustrating, coloring, layout designing, proof-reading, re-editing, working on the design document, re-editing somemore, cycle continues etc.

Thanks dear groupmates, it's been an awesome ride and I've learnt so much from all of you!

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