Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Assignment 1A


This is Lene, reporting in with a very belated update on Assignment 1 :)
So, I took a really long time to decide on the topics to do on. I shortlisted them to perfumes, dogs, food, and shopping.

I drafted out some perfumes. But it was tough because I'd have to confine the letters to the shape of the bottles. And bottles being bottles.. well, can't really be very bendy. Haha! So I scrapped that, although perfumes was my favorite topic. But likewise in a real world context, you can't always do what you like, you have to work according to the guidelines given to you.

Topic 2 that i'd shortlisted was shopping. I really liked shopping. But not as much as I liked dogs or food. Hahaha. So I went straight into doodling dogs and food.

Here are my thumbnails for food:

From top to bottom: fast food / pasta / cakes / breakfast.

Food was a little tricky, cos I wasn't sure if I was to stick to a particular kind of food, or mess around with all kinds of edible items. I did the latter - though each thumbnail sketch had a particular theme, as mentioned above. I really liked the breakfast and pasta themes..

So. The other topic! DOGS! I love animals, and I loveee dogs so much. I used to have one, but it passed away due to health complications when I was in secondary school. I've been lusting for a dog for so long, but my mother refuses to let me have another. :( ANYWAY! I did a couple of thumbnails for this topic:

First thumbnail shows a couple of dogs in different positions.. Second has a small story to it, where a mischievous dog knocks over his food and water, and causes a mess! Hehe. I thought that one was pretty cute. The third's a small narrative as well, kinda.. A dog's out for a walk in the park, gets tied to a (typical dog scene item) fire hydrant. And the fourth, well.. I don't know if it makes sense here, but it shows two dog owners getting acquainted through their dogs.. =)

So I had to pick a couple of thumbnails and work on rough sketches with that. So here's 2 sketches for my Food - Pasta topic!
Yeah, I couldn't think of what else to form the 'N'. LOL!

I'm not too sure whether the spaghetti strands count as deliberate or smokes? =/ But I like the 'N' in this one, though.

And here's the rough sketches for my dogs!

This one is pretty much the same as the thumbnails, with a few added details and some changes in the stance, especially with the last E, to make it look a little more natural.

This is probably one of my favorites - because the dogs look so happy! hahaha. But yeah, this one's probably gonna be in a setting, park setting probably. This sketch shows dogs playing outdoors. Feedback I got was that the second 'E' or the frisbee was a little weird, looked like a Pacman figure! Haha. I've got to work on that..

Okay! That's all for Assignment 1A. Will upload more in the next post =)
Comment, please! Muchos thanks..

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