Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Assignment 2

Okay, I have to start off by saying that I'm really not pleased with these results either. :( More touchups/redo-ing to come.

But let me show you what I came up with though.. Hopefully I can get more constructive critique on this!! :)

So here's the five levels of abstraction (please click for a bigger picture). I pulled a picture of a Dalmatian off the web. Why a Dalmatian? Because its physical and muscular makeup seem most generic, where dogs are concerned, IMHO..

I really only like the first 2 levels of abstraction, and this one:

But after that, I don't know. I think more needs to be done. Or perhaps I should change the picture I used as a base? I had trouble abstracting such a picture that was generic in itself. Perhaps that was the problem.. If I were to change the base picture, I may use a more 'interesting' doggie as my muse.. HMM.

Here's the business card(s) that I came up with! Two here, because I could not decide which was better (or worse :/) OH MAN.

The first is the one I prefer, though I know the second one is probably more simple and hence easier for the eyes. The first one I feel is more apt for my proposed business, though. Critique given was that the black fill for the dog head, for the first card, is kinda out of place, and also that the logo needs to be cleaned up lines wise - which I completely agree. I'm currently looking at Illustrator tutorials on how to make cleaner lines. So a better logo will be up soon!

/Edit: I just took out the company profile and put it in a separate post. Reason being I've tweaked my company profile.. And it probably doesn't quite click with the biz card abstracts uploaded here so. Am going to tweak my biz cards and upload them in the next few days! =)

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