Thursday, September 16, 2010

Assignment 3

Yep, that's my 8 photos for the exercise! Hmmm.. Did you get it? =D
So basically it goes like this:
  1. Girl's reading a book.
  2. Girl's tired, gets ready to sleep.
  3. A hand creeps in and turns off the light...
  4. Sees an odd figure silhouetted in the doorway
  5. Girl's curious, surprised, looks at the silhouette
  6. Silhouette extends its arms, looks pretty scary
  7. Girl's freaked out!
  8. Lights back on! Silhouette is actually the girl's sister, bearing friendly gifts of blankets and a bolster. ^^
Yeah! Simple storyline, I'd say =)
Some things I took into consideration:
  1. I really wanted a horror storybook for this shot. BUT after much rummaging around, I realized that I don't possess a single horror storybook =.= The book in the shot is the next best thing, as it has a silhouette on its cover - which foreshadows the issue with the silhouette in the coming shots. Also, the girl is captured in a low angle shot to make her look like she's in control of the situation..when really later she feels pretty helpless.
  2. Horizontal lines in both body posture and bedsheets - relaxed cos she's going to bed
  3. Extreme close up of the hands. Rusty color of the shot and the shabby looking switches gives off a horror movie vibe.. (to me anyway.. lol)
  4. Low angle shot to make the figure look intimidating and powerful
  5. Extreme close up to show emotion
  6. Again, another low angle shot to create a sense of fearsomeness
  7. Another extreme close up.. My sister is a pretty bad actor, so.. I kinda photoshopped her eyes and mouth to make them look bigger, like as if she is in shock/fear.. lol!
  8. Eye level shot.. To express a non-threat, to eliminate the initial intimidation and power distance.

Yeah, I know the quality of the shots are pretty terrible - forgive me on that, my shaky hands took them on my 5megapixel handphone cam ><" and my phone's flash is REALLY bright, so I had to make do for no flash with most shots.. LOL. And the storyline's pretty simple too.. hahaha.

What do you guys think?

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