Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Indexic.. Iconic..

During lecture we had to do this impromptu sketch for an Iconic and Indexic symbol! So I was sitting with Caris, and she came up with the idea of a clock, and I sketched it out.. And the indexic image would of course be time hands, which would connote that the viewer is looking at an item which tells time.

Well, this is pretty obviously a clock.. Pretty medieval looking, too..

On contrary, most contemporary clocks are designed such that most details are omitted - leaving only time hands, or digital number displays. Which would imply that most of its design is no longer iconic, but indexic, in a sense? Would it be right to say that? Hmm.

And it's funny that Caris suggested clocks, 'cos I've always been really fascinated by pretty clocks..

Take a look at these! I'd loveeee the wooden clock!!

And our prof for NM2216 was showing us an example of a really cool alarm clock that allows you to update your social networking profiles:

The Sony Dash: find out more about it here

But it's so cool! Although I wouldn't like to be thaaat attached to my technology and social networking sites.

Okay, probably veering a littleeee off topic, but my point is that once upon a time clocks were.. simply clocks, and nothing much was done imaginatively to bring the design of a clock into something more special. Just goes to show that even the most mundane of things can be turned into a work of art, and even the most iconic of figures can be turned into something abstract and mindblowing! =)

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